Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Seven Sevens

Seven Things I Want To Do Before I Die
  1. Get married
  2. Have at least one child
  3. Not have to worry about money
  4. Travel out of the country
  5. Find my direction in life
  6. Maybe have my own business
  7. Get the dog housebroken
Seven Things I Cannot Do
  1. Whistle
  2. Snap my fingers
  3. Touch my tongue to my nose
  4. Wiggle my nose
  5. Ski
  6. Skate
  7. Pee standing up
Seven Things I Admire In My Spouse/Significant Other/Best Friend
  1. His patience
  2. His huge heart
  3. His strength
  4. His vulnerability
  5. His honesty
  6. His talents
  7. His ability to understand me when I don't

Seven Things I Say Most Often
  1. I don't know. (all the time)
  2. I love you.
  3. Angus! (our puppy)
  4. Down!
  5. Sit!
  6. Yeah.
  7. Cool.
Seven Books or Series or Authors I Love
  1. Robert A. Heinlein
  2. Frank Herbert
  3. Orson Scott Card
  4. Isaac Asimov
  5. Marion Zimmer Bradley
  6. Anne McCaffrey
  7. Laura Ingalls Wilder

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again
  1. The Princess Bride
  2. Empire Records
  3. Snatch
  4. Gladiator
  5. Braveheart
  6. Gone in Sixty Seconds
  7. Armageddon

Seven Songs I Can't Get Enough Of
  1. In your eyes, Peter Gabriel
  2. We belong to the night, Pat Benatar
  3. One Thing, Finger Eleven
  4. Sugar, We're Goin Down, Fall Out Boy
  5. Salisbury Hill, Peter Gabriel
  6. Somebody Told Me, The Killers
  7. Ireland, Garth Brooks

Seven People I Tag With This
  • none, but do it if you want to, and let me know, please

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