Sunday, July 31, 2005


It's not really anyone's fault. We each left things unsaid.

Okay, a little background . . . my S.O. and I and some friends regularly go to this club. Last night was one of their special nights, they call Love & Bondage. You know, whips, leather, screaming . . . it's all good. I'm really into this . . . him not so much.

I had made special arrangements to have my vacation scheduled to start that day, so I wouldn't have to worry about working the next day. Had everything ready to go. I was very disappointed that one couple I know couldn't attend, but was determined to have fun anyway. My S.O., K, wasn't really feeling up to going, but friends had asked if he was coming and I really wanted him to go, so I talked him into coming anyway.

Miscommunication #1: He apparently did not know it was L&B night, even though he is just as capable of looking at a calendar as I am, and, hint hint, I was wearing my collar. (Yes I am somewhat submissive, but I don't belong to anyone at the moment, and if I choose to wear a collar I will and it's none of your business if I choose to do so. Okay?) I don't wear it very often at all, these are some of the few nights I do.

(Sidenote: I'm discovering I really like being the one administering the swats too. Interesting.)

Miscommunication #2: One of our friends had made the statement on several occasions that she really wanted to see K and hoped he would come up and join us at the club. He doesn't come that often anymore. This was apparently interpreted in more than a friendly way by him and was the cause of some disappointment. That's all I'm going to say about that.

So, at the beginning of the evening I'd been contemplating asking a very lovely Lady if she would like to be very mean to me, but things happened and while I did have fun, it didn't go as I would have liked. Who knows, I probably would have chickened out before asking her anyway.

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