Monday, October 03, 2005

Coincidence or prediction?

First off, I'm not sure how much I believe in things like scrying, tarot, or palm reading. Yes, I'm Pagan, but that doesn't mean I automatically believe that stuff. I have a healthy skepticism.

Clear back in February my partner K and I were at a Valentine's Day party at the club. An acquaintance there noticed my pentacle necklace and we talked for a while, turns out he was Alexandrian. (If you aren't familiar with that, look at it like one of the branches of paganism, like if you were Methodist or Baptist or something, you're still Christian.)

Anyway. He did an impromptu palm reading. Told me a lot of things about myself that were true. Then he made the startling statement that my current relationship would only last another eight months. February to October. Eight months. All along I said I didn't believe it, it was impossible, but here I am planning to move out at the end of the month.

So you tell me, am I helping a prediction fulfill itself, or is it just a coincidence?


Anonymous said...

Even just knowing how something will or could be can alter that outcome. If your desire to change your relationship was there. even if you didn't think it was, then yes you picked up on the reading and projected it. IMHO, of course.


Mysti said...

I've had my palm read and cards done many times... and i have found a few things that have happened that they have predicted... but it wasn't after the fact that i remember that they said something like that would happen... so unless over the last 8 months you've really been thinking about it.. and counting down the days... then I would say it is purely coincidence.. or.. just fate and someone saw it before you did... no one can really explain those things.. but it's not as if you have been looking and purposefully trying to make the prediction come true... hugs!