Sunday, October 02, 2005

Things I've been told today

  • You need to do what makes you happy.
  • You need to do whatever is best for you.
  • You are using this to escape from life.
  • Falling in love is a choice.
  • You are running away.
  • That it's not possible to fall in love as quickly as I have.
  • That at most it is intense attraction coupled with a really deep crush.


Anonymous said...

Falling in love is not a choice, and I believe 100% that it can happen at the snap of a finger. Every single on of my dearest friends (each of whom I love in their own way) my heart decided on when we met.
Just... try not to hurt this one at least as much as you tried not to hurt the other. I hope it lasts for a very, very long time. He deserves it and, if he chose you, I'm pretty sure you do as well.

SK said...

People tell us stuff all the time - some of it is unfounded, pedestrian, but I always try to step back and examine it nonetheless. Sometimes there is a profound kernel of truth in there.

I think we all have different definitions of what love is based on our lives. I think that true deep enduring love does take time to develop. Getting all that fluffy pink cloud feet off the ground blur where you eat, drink, breathe that other person is not love.

Love takes work. Love isn't always dreamy and romantic. I don't know if falling in love is a choice, but staying in love is a choice.

(Relationship advice from someone notoriously commitment-challenged - take it for what it's worth.)