Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Love is Not Finite

I know I've read about this topic somewhere, so I'm not entirely sure which ideas are mine and which are the bits and pieces I've picked up elsewhere. Therefore I do not claim originality with anything I say here. It's all been percolating in my brain for a long time anyway. It is at the heart of who I really am, for me, at the core of my identity as polyamorous.

Love is a strange and mysterious substance.
Love goes by many names: caring, affection, adoration, fondness, devotion.

Some people insist on treating love as something that can be divided and distributed, where the pieces eventually run out. However, I disagree. Love is not a commodity to be parceled out. You won't eventually run out of love. There is always more there, an infinite supply.

The more love that is in your heart, the more people you love, the more intense is that love. It expands to fill whatever space is available. It connects hearts distant in time and space. Love multiplies, it should not divide.

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