Monday, June 27, 2005

Answers for Mysti

1. If you could choose one person.. living or dead.. to invite for dinner.. who would it be.. and why?

Just one person? Living or dead, so must be a real person I guess. It's really hard to limit myself to one, so I'll say Robin Williams. Simply because whatever else, it would be entertaining. And I wouldn't have to worry about conversational skills or being intelligent enough because that guy can go on and on with no help. And I would videotape it.

2. What would be a perfect date to you?

The perfect date was meeting at a local coffee shop for the first time in real life. Arriving at practically the same time and walking in together. I can't remember what we ordered. I probably got an iced mocha latte and he a tall cranberry juice. Talking and talking. That first touch of his hand on mine. Leaving there towards closing and heading to a bar he knew. I was only 19, so I had some kind of fruity juice. More talking, but it was darker here. That first kiss was wonderful. Then after a while the barmaid told us to cut it out because some of the other (very few) patrons were uncomfortable.

A future perfect date might involve a nice dinner, good conversation, or it might involve me tied up and being whipped and otherwise tortured. Variety is the spice of life!

3. Island, beach, moutains, desert, flowerfilled field with a quiet stream rolling thru, or busy downtown city... which do you prefer most?

Oh, hard choice, for the most part. I could rank them from best to worst. Field with stream, island, mountains, beach, desert, city.

4. What is the most unusual website you'd admit to visiting?

Depends on what you mean by unusual. Weirdest right now would be Pointless Waste of Time. I've probably been to more unusual sites than that, but that's a current one.

5. Favorite guilty pleasures in the following categories: Music, food, movie, tv show, and piece of clothing?

Music: okay, I haven't done it in a loooong time, but I still have somewhere the complete New Kids on the Block tape collection, at least through Step by Step.

Food: really, really dark chocolate. The good stuff, expensive and heavenly. Not just Hershey's, but that will do in a pinch.

Movie: Empire Records.

TV Show: Iron Chef.

Clothing: lovely, long, swishy broomstick skirts.

1 comment:

Mysti said...

OK so you answered those.. now some more:

If you were to be blindfolded and let to a room where all you could smell was leather.. how would you react? ;)

If money were no object and you were told to buy an outfit that was extremely sexy and that would turn you on just by wearing it.. what would that outfit look like?

The phone rings... it's a fictional character that is calling for a long deep conversation... which fictional character is it?

It's the morning after.. and a lover who you were with... who was not all that great in bed asks you to be honest and tell him/her what you thought of his/her perfomance.. what do you say?

Ok.. I think that's enough for now :) Talk to you later beautiful.. xoxoxox