Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What is normal?

(This is a re-written, edited version of something I wrote a while back. I was looking through my writings and thought it might make a good post.)

Normal, when applied to an individual's behavior, is defined as not deviating very much from their average behavior. It is an evolving definition as no individual remains static their whole life. I do not mean that everything I have done or will do is "normal." I, like anyone else, am capable of doing something so totally out of the ordinary for me as to be "not normal."

On the other hand, a behavior that is not normal, if repeated, may become normal. As a wise friend told me, "Normal is a lie." Basically, normal, when applied to more than one person, loses meaning. No individual is identical to another. Normal only has concrete definitions in reference to science and mathematics terms.

Normal for me is many things. In the morning I have coffee, check my email and favorite blogs, make sure K is up and has clothes set out, see that the cats and fish are fed, and review what I need to do for the day. On mornings where I have to leave especially early, normal goes out the window. But that too is normal. Normal is coming home in the evening, making dinner, listening to music, maybe a little news, talking to K and relaxing from the day. Normal is reading before I fall asleep. Normal is wanting to keep everyone happy.

Normal is also being very sexual. From the age of thirteen it has been a large part of my life and awareness. It has evolved from learning how my own body functions to exploring the myriad of possibilities that exist in this crazy world. Normal is liking the hair at the back of your head grasped and held while being roughly kissed or having your neck bitten. Normal is wanting the things you're not supposed to want.

Normal is whatever you want it to be. Unfortunately no matter how much we remind ourselves of that, the human tendency is to judge others by our definitions. I just need to keep reminding myself that I am the only one that can truly judge for myself what is normal. See the following references for interesting takes on the definition of normal.

Wikipedia - Normal
Urban Dictionary - Normal

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