Monday, May 09, 2005

Trust Me

The following definition of trust is borrowed from Wikipedia
"Trust in sociology is a relationship between people. It involves the suspension of disbelief that one person will have towards another person or idea. It especially involves having one person thinking that the other person or idea is benevolent, competent / good, or honest / true."
Trust is a funny thing. Some people you trust instantly. Others it takes time and effort to build up a mutual trust. Either way it can be destroyed in an instant. For me it is when I feel that I have not been dealt with honestly. The second that happens you can wave any trust that did exist goodbye.

I like the phrase "suspension of disbelief." It really applies in this case, because I saw what I wanted to see and ignored the rest. We all do this. Funny what you see when you have your eyes opened. Behavior that was acceptable because "that's so-and-so, that's just how they are, so it's ok," suddenly becomes somewhat rude and, well, silly.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no angel. I'm sure I've done things without meaning to that were rude or just taken the wrong way. In fact I know I have. I've recently learned that some of my actions in recent months may have alienated some people I really liked. Not sure if this can be repaired, but I will try. I'm a big believer in responsibility. Even if I didn't mean to do something I am still responsible for the ramifications of my actions.

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