Friday, April 29, 2005

A few guidelines for shoppers

1) If you break it, especially if there is glass or liquid soap involved, tell a clerk. Really, we won't make you pay for it. We just want to keep anyone from getting hurt.

2) Think before you utter the sentence "Do you work here?" If you are addressing someone wearing a nametag with the store's name on it, odds are, they do.

3) If, in a small store, there are two registers, and one has a big sign in the middle of the counter saying "This register is closed" please don't ask me which one is open.

4) Please don't pay for a $2 order with a $50 bill first thing in the morning. We are not a bank. We don't have that much change. Especially on Sunday.

5) If your small child is wrecking the store, yes I am going to say something about it, and don't look at me like I'm a child hater. Children are wonderful. Discipline yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've always wondered about paying with big bills -- i understand that a shop might not have change, but money is money right? i think it's wrong to expect the customer to have smaller bills - the onus falls on the merchant, i believe! well anyway, it's just my opinion :-) i will say that i lovelove japan cos you can pay for a 50cent candy with 100dollars (equivalent, of course) and the clerk doesn't bat an eye - NEVER! it's great and i never have to feel bad there for not having smaller bills :-) love your blog and sexy stories best! thanks