Monday, April 25, 2005

How many do you have?

I was thinking this weekend about orgasms. What? Doesn't everybody? Anyway, what I was contemplating was the different kinds of orgasms I have. And I'm curious to see what other people have to add to this. To date I think I've had at least four distinct kinds.

1) Clitoral - the most common, easiest type for me
2) G-spot - more common than vaginal
3) Vaginal - not too common for me at all, usually during fisting
4) Nipple - least common, only happened 2-3 times, but requires long and intense periods of stimulation

What I'm wondering is if I'll ever get to experience an orgasm from being spanked or something similar. I'd like to.

1 comment:

V said...

I've heard of something like your #5, but never experienced it. Nipple orgasm is one that I get from intense, continuous stimulation of my nipples and breasts. I love to have my nipples pinched hard and twisted. But I have to be really turned on and it takes quite a while to happen. It also feels quite different from a normal orgasm.