Tuesday, April 19, 2005


I first discovered the term polyamory (polyamoury) in my freshman year of college, so age 18. "Polyamory means "loving more than one". This love may be sexual, emotional, spiritual, or any combination thereof, according to the desires and agreements of the individuals involved." This definition is courtesy of http://www.faqs.org/faqs/polyamory/faq/ .

And I was like, wow, so this is what I wanted all through high school. My group of friends seemed to trade partners like a dance almost. But we did so with all of the accompanying drama and jealousy. Looking back on it, if we'd only agreed to be a group relationship it would have been so much easier and much more fun. Right, but what high school kid knows beans about things like polyamory. They don't teach this in Relationships 101. Come to think of it, that is a good idea for a class to actually be required.

So, I was responding to a personal ad on Yahoo one day, mostly because I thought it was good, and wanted to encourage whoever wrote it. Not because I wanted to date the person, for surely I would not be interested in someone seven years older than me. He responded, I was to find out much later, pretty much because of one line in my profile. "Do you know what polyamory means?" I responded back, because who can resist quotes from Pinky and the Brain. Six years later, we're still together.

Where does being poly come in, you ask? Well, while we haven't found other people yet, we are kind of looking. He's currently pursuing a certain young lass we're friends with, with my total support. They're taking it very slowly, as she's quite busy with school and work. But what a sweetheart, she is fun, funny, spontaneous, gorgeous, smart, and just an overall good person. I can just picture her moving in some day. I'm still working on the thorny problem of explaining that to family if the time ever comes, but honestly it's just none of their business. Me? I'm just having fun with new friends, playing with them, not really looking for new partners at the moment.

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