Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So, what to write about?

I was thinking tonight, between the great speakers I was listening to, what do I really want to do with this blog? Is there a direction I want to go in? What do I want to tell people? What do I not want to tell? Because you know, everyone has something inside, something that no one knows, that you will never tell anyone, because it is too much of something. Too dark, too evil, too sad, too whatever.

I'd like to explore my sexual history, just for my own sake. The other week I was trying to make a list of all the people I've been with. Not a huge number by any means, but still more than ten or fifteen or something. I keep thinking I'm forgetting someone. Granted there were a couple worth forgetting. Some who's names I'm no longer sure of. And, it also depends on what you call sex. If I go with Clinton's definition, the number gets narrowed a bit. If you include a really good makeout session with groping, it increases by a big factor.

I probably won't talk much about my family, cause goddess help me if they ever found out about it. I could talk about my three cats - Mattie, Gracie, and Jezebel. My fish - Fred, Ethel, and Alfie. I could talk about my house and the never-ending basement remodeling that will never ever be done in my lifetime because my god it is taking so looooong. Gah. I have no children to talk about. I do have some pretty neat cousins. One of which is a cute goth-looking chickie who wants to be a doctor. She is awesome. And her mom is double triple awesome. It was pretty interesting to find out two Christmases ago that I have three pagan cousins too. The two aforementioned and one male cousin who I didn't see for forever because his silly father and brothers were freaked out that he's gay. Which I didn't understand was a problem. Whatever, at least they got over it.

Enough rambling for tonight. I'll post something tomorrow. Goodnight all. Blessed Be.

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