Friday, April 22, 2005

One hundred things about me

(and yes, I've seen many people do this, so I thought I'd try it too)

1. I was born on December 28, 1978 in Columbus, Ohio.
2. I was told that just days before I was born my Mom totaled the car.
3. I almost died when I was born, because the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck.
4. My Mom almost bled to death, because the placenta tore.
5. My Mom is one of my best friends.
6. But I won't tell her about this blog.
7. My Dad is a good man.
8. If a bit long-winded.
9. We lived in a small house in a small town until I was five.
10. There were railroad tracks behind our house.
11. I was terrified of the noise the trains made.
12. We had a cat there named Prince that we got when I was 2 and a half.
13. He lived to be seventeen years old.
14. He acted more like a dog than a cat, but I loved him.
15. My brother was born when I was five.
16. I remember him being tiny, wrinkled, and purple.
17. Now he's 21 and I'm very proud of him.
18. We moved to a trailer near my grandparent's house right before I started kindergarten.
19. I loved my kindergarten teacher.
20. My grandparents were always old.
21. They were married during the Depression.
22. My Dad was a "surprise."
23. His brother is about twelve years older than him.
24. I loved living out in the country.
25. Our road was tar and gravel.
26. But it was so great for riding my bike on.
27. There was hardly ever any traffic.
28. There was a bridge over a creek about a half mile away.
29. I loved to walk there and just look at the water.
30. I had very little supervision out there.
31. I loved playing in the hay field across the street, climing on the big round bales.
32. We had a huge garden there.
33. I was made to help alot.
34. I loved canning tomatoes and making the juice.
35. I still love fresh, home-grown tomatoes better than almost anything.
36. One of my favorite summer lunches is a whole plate of thick slices of still-warm tomato from the garden, with just a sprinkle of salt.
37. I also love growing herbs.
38. I hate weeding.
39. We built a house across from the trailer.
40. My favorite part of it was my closet.
41. It was over the stairs going down to the basement, so the ceiling was longer than the floor.
42. It had a bench in it that was carpeted.
43. And a long shelf across the back.
44. I could sit on the bench and lean back and hide.
45. I'm not sure what I was hiding from, but it was nice and dark in there.
46. I collect rocks.
47. I always have.
48. I like the interesting shapes and textures.
49. I have ones from three of the Great Lakes.
50. I have a big one from Yellowstone, but I've never been there.
51. My Dad brought it home for me.
52. I feel uncomfortable leaving the house without wearing or carrying amethyst.
53. It absorbs negativity.
54. Bad things happen when I forget it.
55. No, I'm not joking.
56. I'm pagan.
57. I follow no specific tradition.
58. I discovered it in high school.
59. At the end of my junior year.
60. My Mom freaked when she found my books.
61. Until I explained it to her.
62. My parents agreed not to go to church when they got married.
63. My Mom was raised Catholic, my dad Methodist.
64. So I had no spiritual background.
65. I'm not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
66. For a while I was sure there was no god.
67. I identify more with the concept of duality, Goddess and God, than a singular male deity.
68. But I believe that as long as you are seeking the light, what path you take does not really matter.
69. All Gods are one God.
70. All Goddesses are one Goddess.
70. And there is only one Initiator.
71. A lot of my friends in high school said they were Pagan or Wiccan.
72. So far as I know, I'm one of the few who wasn't just saying that.
73. I wonder where Summer is?
74. I hated high school.
75. I got a 4.0 my senior year.
76. I didn't want to be in the NHS because they were all preppy snobs.
77. I got a partial scholarship to college because I got a 29 on my ACT.
78. I only applied to one college.
79. Which is the one I went to.
80. We moved to this area when I was in eighth grade.
81. The people weren't very friendly when I started school here.
82. I don't remember too many of their names.
83. I lost my virginity deliberately when I was two months from being 15.
84. He was almost 18.
85. I wish it had been someone else.
86. I wish I would have waited.
87. Yes I used protection.
88. I've never had an STD.
89. I made sure my brother knew all about sex ed.
90. I didn't want him to get hurt.
91. And it's not like my parents wanted to talk about it.
92. Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your mom watch you take a pregnancy test?
93. I've had the same boyfriend now for six years.
94. We recently started swinging.
95. I like it.
96. I care about people too much, too easily.
97. It gets me hurt.
98. I am a submissive.
99. I think I have masochistic tendencies.
100. I am happy with this.


*J* said...

I could use something to such up the negativity sometimes. Amethyst, you say?

*J* said...

I meant "suck." Sheesh.