Thursday, April 21, 2005

Thursday is one of my favorite days

I know, most people would say Friday or Saturday. Granted, those are both excellent days, with all their own merits, but I have my reasons for choosing Thursday as my personal Favorite Day of the Week. You see, or maybe you don't, since you don't know me, there is a club I go to that is only open Thursday and Saturday. Most Saturdays I can't go. So, my one night out is usually Thursday. This place is the most fun ever. Ever. But. I can't tell you where it is or what I do there or even the name of it. Cause it's mine. I found it first and you can't have it. Besides it is private and it already gets crowded most of the time. Limited capacity and all that. But, to anyone who knows me and knows what I'm talking about, You All Rock!!! You are the bestest, most fabulous, amazing people on the planet and I am privileged to know you.

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